I am a learner at Glen Taylor School in Auckland, New Zealand. I am in Room 12 and my teacher is Mr. Nikiforuk.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Donald trump wall
I disagree for Donald trumps wall because people in other countries want to live in America and that is not fare if they can't because Donald trump is not the boss of there lives tey are so hope you like it and enjoy it.
fighting for freedom
For this activity I will be talking about the pollution in the islands and fighting for clean water so they should share the clean water to the islands so they can live for there life and not eat or drink in the islands and that will be sad because if we have it why can't the other countries have it too so they can live not die people on die if they don't have food or water in their body's and that will be sad because people that live there they will lose their family and friends and that will be hate fool and people in the islands will cry for the people that passes away so we should share clean water with the islands so they don't have to die.This is my work about fight for freedom and don't letter in oceans put food wraps in the bin don't letter.
Politics & Activism
For this activity I will be talking about principal for a week so if I was the principal for a week I will make the school better and more fun not boring for kids so if the children is bored of doing nothing I make them happy and moving around places and when the sun get's hot I will get the kids to go in the pool and they can bomb on the driving board and if pool is scared of deep they can go on the shadow water and play with there friends in it and they can have fun.And when people wants to go toilet they can get out of the pool and go to the new toilet that only if I was principal for a week so this is my work about politic and Activism hope you enjoy it and reading it.
high school week
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
The water project
This is my work about water project and the other activity's on summer learning join
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Chess storie
Activity 3 - Gary Kasparov (chess player)
3 advantages
3 reasons why its a good thing
1. Gary Kasparov
2. magnums Carlson
3. Viswanathan Anan
3 disadvantages
3 reasons why its not a good thing
1.its because its a good sports
2. so you can learn some new things
3. more smarter
Equal pay for equal work
I think that they can make it so the laddies should get the same amount of cash as the men cause it not that fare because the women have to take care of the baby's so they should make it so the women get paid the same as the men
Monday, December 9, 2019
The full name of the BFG movies is called the big friendly giant is it funny and it friendly with other and it jump high and he come from other valley this is my disrible about the big friendly gaint and it is funny and I like it because it has this drinks this fart drink and it make them go high and that is the funny part and this is me finished it so hope you have are great day, Bye.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Tech work
So today I went to tech to finish my wood and when I finished it I had to help Mr Thomas for his work and it was pretty cool for me because when you help him he care's for you and I think he will like your wood that is only if you do it right and listen to you but how did I make it for start I had to measure with a pencil and the I had to cut it with a saw ad that part was cool and then after that I had to cut another wood for my wood to put it in and then when I did it I sand it with a sander then I had to put it together and then after that I sand the sides of the wood and then after that I had to oil it 2 times and then I finish my wood thank for reading my blog hope you have are great day.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Arcotic poem
So today I did a Arcotic poem and when I finish it I got to cookies because I finish two things at one time and then I got to play so thank you and good bye and have a loving day everyone.
Limerick peom
So today I did a limerick poem and it was about Mrs fonua and my one was great and it was making scenes and it was so cool that i did my limerick poem because i think I got a little more of my poem to finish and then I don't have to do my poems and I can do another thing to do and when i finish I don't have no more work and then I think I can go on free time so thanks bye and have a great day on your Holiday.
Aboriginal Art
so Last week my class did a aboriginal art thing and it was fun and amazing so when aboriginal was made up my teacher mrs fonua she think what should we do and she got it she said we can do a aboriginal art aboriginal was brought up in Australia and I think I don't want to talk about it so bye and thank you ever much for reading all my blogs thank you
Geometric Writing
So we had to do this thing anad when we had to do it was pretty hard but I like writing on my chromebook and writing on a price of paper so this is me bye
Geometric Art
So today my class did a Geometric Art and it was so cool and I like it my class did so great on it and then when we finish it we can have a cookie and the cookie is so nice for me and so If you were me I do my work and then I think you get treat I think so this is my blog hope you like it bye
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
colour poem
so for colour poem i did one about it and it was fun to do it because it was so fun to do so thank you and you welcome to read my blog post and by the way i will show you my colour poem hope you like it he goes nothing.
so can you see my colour poem it red because red was my colour poem so hope you read it only if you can see it so thank you have the best day every bye
so can you see my colour poem it red because red was my colour poem so hope you read it only if you can see it so thank you have the best day every bye
Cinquain poem
so yesterday i did are poem about cinquain poem and that was fun to do it because it was easy to do and my class was so funny when they did there cinquain and i had fun doing it so thank and you will have the best day every
I am peom
so on Wednesday me and my class did i am poem about yourself and it was great and i had fun doing my i am poem and that was cool to do it and it was great doing my i am poem i had fun doing i think you will have fun reading my blog post so thank and you will have the great day of your lifes today hope you will like it bye
Friday, November 8, 2019
me and myself
So today me and myself is just doing a blog and i have to do it so i can do my work on my other learning and i will like and it is great and you will like it to so thank you so bye and hope you like my blog post and you would like it hope you do so bye and have are great day.
so today we did tennis and it was fun outside playing tennis because we learned a lot of tennis like how to play and other thing so tennis is great and you should play it and you will have fun and you will enjoy it.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
me and myself
so today me and myself is just listening to songs on my chrome book and now i am doing my blog i have to do 3 blog post and then i am done and then i forgot what to do so i am doing my blog post so this is me hope you like it thank you
kiwi can share lunch
so at school we win kiwi can and when you win kiwi can you can have a share lunch with them so today my class is having a share lunch and it is going to be a big one because my class rise over 100 and that is why we are going to have a big share lunch and it is going to be nice for me and my class room and we going to have the best day every.
dance and music at the museum
So on Monday we went to the museum and at the museum we were learning about dance and music and it was pretty fun and i had the best day every because after that we can walk around the museum and that one was my favourite one because i saw animals and a elephant name rajah everyone liked rajah the elephant because he was a kind elephant then the other elephants so we walked and walked until we have to go school and that one was the boring one because i didn't like going school but sometimes i do because you learn more.so this is me bye and thank you for reading my blog post.
Friday, November 1, 2019
So on brain break we did spelling and i got one word wrong because i didn't know how to spell it because i didn't practices the words but i got some of them right and just one word wrong so this is me so bye
7 wonders
On Thursday we started our 7 wonders and it was pretty cool because i like it and it was fun because when we finish our site I don't know what to do when we finish i think do something that you have to do like learned your test or gloss and other thing that i don't know because I go to kapa haka and it's cool and I love it because it fun and you can learned some maori words from the maori kapa haka people that is teaching you about it so that why i like going to go kapa haka oh back to the 7 wonders aaaaaahhhhh i don't know about that much because i don't know what to do so this is me bye.
So room 13 went out and play tennis and it was fun and I learned how to lay tennis and our class liked it because so of them know the teacher that was teaching us and I know him cause he use to come to this school and tennis to all the classes and they liked it and they learned about and if your wonder what his name is peter he cool and i think hes a good tennis player but now I am going to show you how fun we had with peter.
So can you see we all like tennis what about you do you. Comment down and tell your answer.
So can you see we all like tennis what about you do you. Comment down and tell your answer.
Friday, October 25, 2019
School work
Today our class was doing art and aboriginal dot art the whole class was having fun with everyone and i hope you like my blog post about aboriginal dot art and pastel art. So this is me and i hope you read it thank you
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
So in the holiday's I went I went up North and when I got there Me and David had to move some cows and it was pretty fun too because when they walk up to us we just have to not be scared because if you do they going to attack you and when you run away their going to catch you and did you know that cows are fast at running they can over take you and I didn't know that cow's was so fast at running. Cows a only fast because female cows are faster then are male one but male cows a stronger then female because male cows can knock out a tree that is i don't know but yeah so this my blog about the my holiday's and it was pretty cool and i had so much fun up North.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Nitro type
So today i was playing nitro type and it was petty cool because i want to be a level 60 but i can't because i am not that fast at typing and i think i am could be great that i can be a level 60 because when i get there i am going t happy and i want to be rich on nitro type so i get all of the cars of nitro type and that will be great i will be happy and i will be saying thank you to you and huge to and that will be so great for you.So thank you and bye to you all and i am Ford so bye have a great day i hope you guest pay me on nitro type so i can buy all of the cars and i will be please and thank you so bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye !!!!££££****^_^ -_- @_@.And when i get the nitro money i will be thank's so please give me money.$$$$$$$
so today we did wood work ad wood work is petty challenge because we have to measure the wood and that is petty hard because it take's some time to measure the wood because i don't like doing wood work because it is not my Favorited thing to do because i hate it so this is me bye
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
nitro type
So today in the morning i was playing nitro type and when i was finish my game i had to go on the mat and yeah well i got .
Monday, September 23, 2019
Tumanji rippa tournament
So at Auckland netball centre held on friday the senior went on a rippa tournament and it was petty fun because it was great and i have nothing say but the Tumanji rippa game was challging because people take's your rip off and then you have to pass the ball and the most one that was challge was green reindeers because david keep on jump but the reference that was refereing us was this guy from Tumanji he said nothing about jumping because at the other reference's they say we can't jump so we didn't but green reindeers can because they and i good reference and but i think he was not to go and jump.So this is me and bye
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Nitro type
So today we did nitro type and i came first and my WPM is 40 or 30 and i like nitro because it is the best.And i love it and sometimes i don't play it.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Reading tasks
So today i was doing a reading tasks and i finish it because i am fast and to good and i love my class and my best friends and others people like my family and my school and my old school and people that my friends know
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
nitro type
So today i played nitro type it is the best in the world and i love it and my level is 35 and i got a lot of money in my nitro type account and i got no nitro because i don't it because i am petty fast at typing
Typing test
Today we did a typing test and it was challenge to me because my most that i hate in typing test is tiger in the wild but the best in typing test is rules of baseball because it is great and i love it and i like it is the best
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Monday, September 9, 2019
Fun run Cross country
On friday we had a cross country and it was petty cool and i like the cross country and it was great and i came 4th in the cross country and i love it and that me
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Cross Country
So on today we did some cross country and it was so fun and i enjoyed it because we had it run around and it was great to run and i had fun and i like it because it was great i came last in cross country.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Boxing 2019
So at boxing we learn how to defends and attack and other things but the only thing that i like about it was learning how to cortrol my self and it was good and i was happy to be go to boxing and i very like boxing .
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
blog post
So Tiana is are great person and she works hard and she is helpful and thoughtful and she kind to other people and she like playing sports and she is Activity person and she likes playing with her friends and she is the head girl of the school and she is the best at it. Mafi is the best learner and she likes ever subject and she will never stop being good and she will be Activity and she like being sports too and she is good at playing songs on are guitar and she is the best in the school at play on the guitar. Anna is like Tiana she is the best and she works so hard to have the best goals in her writing, reading, maths and sciences she likes learning what the teacher says and she likes playing with her friends and other things like i don't know. Evan is good at typing and he likes to play games on hes Ps4 and likes playing Fortnite all nite and i think he is the man at Fortnite and he is good at krunker too and he just learned how to play and he is good at gun games and fighting games.
By:Ford Holden
By:Ford Holden
Monday, August 26, 2019
E-asttle test
So today we did are e-attle test and one of the e-attles test was maths and reading to and today we did maths and last week we did reading and the one that i like was the reading one because it was easy and it was not hard at all and i like it. It was awesome i love it.And after the e-attle we get to play nitro type and that was great to so this is me Bye.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
ARBS is like a test that you need to learn and it is great to learn ARBS my ARBS is great there the rest
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Reading task cards
So today i did some reading task and i was happy that i finish my read task but now i have to inference and tell want inferences mean so this is me.
And final my name is ford
And final my name is ford
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Butter ckicken
Butter chicken
Step 1- Dice the onion, Chicken
Onion and chicken
Fry until it is cooked
Step 2- Add butter chicken sauce,spices and cream
Stir for 10 mins and serves wit rice
- Take a photo share to blog and then post
- Clean up
- Eat it
Step 1- Dice the onion, Chicken
Onion and chicken
Fry until it is cooked
Step 2- Add butter chicken sauce,spices and cream
Stir for 10 mins and serves wit rice
- Take a photo share to blog and then post
- Clean up
- Eat it
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Mince Wrap
Mince Wrap
Step 1-Dice the onion and fry it with mince until it is cooked
- Add 2 Tlasp of flour and 1/2 cup of hot water stir for 5 mins and take it off the heat
Step 2-Cut into equal 4 pieces the pastry
-fill up the bottom sheet with mince
-close with the top sheet and seal all the edges with a folk
-Bake for 20 mins
Step 1-Dice the onion and fry it with mince until it is cooked
- Add 2 Tlasp of flour and 1/2 cup of hot water stir for 5 mins and take it off the heat
Step 2-Cut into equal 4 pieces the pastry
-fill up the bottom sheet with mince
-close with the top sheet and seal all the edges with a folk
-Bake for 20 mins
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Camera Shots
Camera Shots
Establishing Shot
(Shows the Setting) The Beginning
Two Shots
Over the shoulder Shots
(behind the Character)
Close up Shots
Mid Shots
Long shots
Establishing Shot
(Shows the Setting) The Beginning
Two Shots
Over the shoulder Shots
(behind the Character)
Close up Shots
Mid Shots
Long shots
Thursday, August 1, 2019
My Learning About Solar system/Astronomy
My Learning About Solar system/Astronomy
So on Wednesday the 30th of July we learned about Astronomy and it was cool because we did a bus stop and we had to go around the tables and we had to think about want was galaxy,gas,stars,sun,moon,planet and comet that was the one that we had to do and it was petty had to do because i had nothing to do so that is why it was had for me and this is my blog and i had fun doing the bus stop because when it was finish we had to stay up and say want we want for the point and 2 groups win and it was Dayton,Liston,Tiana and the other group was Zach and Mafi this were the win's of the bus stop and this is me Bye!!#
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Monday, July 29, 2019
NZ vs South Africa
Hi my name is ford i am a year 7 and i am 11 years old and my school is the because school every and my favourite rugby team is the all black because i am a true moari and i am good at rugby league and i watch the all blacks play and they a good and my favourite pet is when i see them get some try's that is my favourite because when they do it's look like i am at their game and watching them win and my favourite player in the all blacks is the hole team because there was a game the all blacks vs the south Africa and they came a tie because this little half back got a try and they got the kick in the goal post and that is how they were a tie....
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
mini Quiches
Step 1 -Whisk 4 eggs with 1 cup of milk
2 -Dice the ham
3-Add cheese
line up the pastry
into the muffin tray
3 -Tin and bake 180.c for 20 mins
2 -Dice the ham
3-Add cheese
line up the pastry
into the muffin tray
3 -Tin and bake 180.c for 20 mins
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Monday, July 1, 2019
blog post#13
My blog is about camp because at camp we did some fun activities and it was fun at camp to because we did abseiling,rock climbing,sailing,hike, and the one that i like was bombing off the wraft that was my favourite one because when you bomb in to the water it feels cold and that is fun cause you can do it again and again and when you are at kawau island you can sleep in the boys side that only if you a boy and if you are a girl you have to sleep in the girls side and it is pretty fun and i was happy when i went to camp bentzon.
Thursday, June 27, 2019
My lowlight and i miss and my highlight term 2
So from term 2 i been doing some work and i pretty like doing work in my class room because i got friends and a cool teacher my teacher is the best teacher in the world because she does fun things and makes us laugh out loud and she is a cool teacher she the best teacher in the world because you know why i am saying she the best because she is. And my class room is so cool because i like playing with my friends and they make me laugh and it is funny when they do and they make me happy when i am down and they take me for a walk and cold me down.
Thank you for reading my blog
Thank you for reading my blog
Monday, June 10, 2019
camp bentzon
This is my camp bentzon google drawing about camp and i will be share it but i think i like it and i think you like.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Maths IXL
Monday, May 6, 2019
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Monday, March 25, 2019
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Monday, March 11, 2019
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
On Thursday Room 13 went for are swim in the pool and it was fun because we could do some bombs in the pool and sometimes we just relax in the pool and just play in it and we sometimes lift up people high as so they can bomb high and do cool as bombs in the pool and have so much fun in the pool but sometime when it morning tea we get out of the pool and then we eat our food and go and play and this is the end.
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